John Lee

Tasmania Bike for Bibles 2024

My Activity Tracking


Bike for Bibles - Day 10 - Scottsdale, Sindling Lookout, then the rains came tumbling down, Jacob's Ladder cancelled, got a bit lost but arrived at Lonnie in the end.

Thankful for our beautiful hosts and time of mutual encouragement. The skies were grey and forecast for rain. The major climb today was the Sindling Pass (Richie Porte training ground). We had morning tea at The Sindling Lookout. After this the heavens opened and the proposed ride to Jacob's Ladder was cancelled. We rode in the rain at a fast pace and were soaked, got a bit lost and found our way to our destination @ The Branch Church @ Lonnie.
Our total distance for 10 days was 1160km and including the 2 rest days was 1284km.
Thanks to all our sponsors' generous donations. Thanks to Graeme Perry our organiser and team leader. Thanks to Neil Duff our support vehicle driver and foodie. Thanks to Phil Clifford and team from Bible Society who will use donations for the preschool Bangladeshi literacy programs. Thanks for riders who participated. Thanks and praise to our mighty God who enabled all the above for the glory of our Lord & Saviour Jesus. Amen.

Bike for Bibles - Day 9 - St Helens, Pyengana Dairy, Weldborough, Derby, Scottsdale

An overcast day for our pentultimate day of this year's BFB Tassie. Shorter day, so there was time to sample some local produce at Pyengana Dairy. Once again great scenery to be enjoyed as we ride from East coast towards Scottsdale. Arriving at our hosts' church. We received a little donation from Ava (8) & Micah (7), the children of our hosts. They showed us their 9 week old Border Collie pups on their farm. They showed us their bikes and we shared about why we were raising funds so that children in Bangladesh can read their Bibles too! Thank you Jesus for the joy and priveledge of sharing God's Word through Bike for Bibles to the ends of the world. Amen.

Bike for Bibles - Day 8 - Little Swanport, Swansea, Bicheno, Chain of Lagoons, St. Helens

A new longest ride for BFB Tassie 2024. Fine weather with some gusts of wind. Great scenery from start to finish. AM pulled away 25km from the St Helens, then I gave it a go with 18km to go but could not breach the gap. Great hosts at St Paul's @ St Helens for our dinner. All of us will be sleeping at the church hall on mattresses provided. Hopefully everyone will sleep well after a solid workout today.

Bike for Bibles - Day 7 - Hope Christian Centre @ North Hobart, Bowen Bridge, Richmond, Orford, Gumleaves @ Little Swanport

A fine and mild day greeted us for our trek from our hosts at Hope Christian Centre @ North Hobart. We made our way North via bike paths to Bowen Bridge. First stop was Richmond, after a solid 20-30 min climb. Next stop was lunch at Buckland Roadhouse. Then some steeper ascents to 2 short and aptly named climbs followed by a scenic stretch of road into Orford along the Prosser River. The final section was 2km of hotly contested gravel. Podium positions were taken by AM, JL, PL.

Bike for Bibles - Rest Day 2 - Exploring Hobart Sights on Bike

Easy ride across the Tasman Bridge and back, then through the docks, Salamanca Markets, Sandy Bay and other coastal suburbs. Checked out the Shot Tower @ Taroona, then had lunch @ Blac Fig. Then paid a brief visit to Cascade Brewery for Apple Cider & juice for Peter.

Bike for Bibles - Day 6 - New Norfolk, Mt Wellington, 5 km gravel descent, Kingston, Battery Point

Easy start to Day 6. We were blessed to have Barry & Kayleen as our hosts overnight. Had a nice visit to Ginger Brown Cafe in South Hobart with cherries (thanks Andrew M) before the main event of the day - Mount Wellington.  Great views along the climb and at the summit. A fast descent down the mountain was equally rewarding thanks to a van giving way to quick cars. After lunch was had a surprise 5km of gravel descent which was quite an experience even for those with disc brakes.

Bike for Bibles - Day 5 - Poatina to summit, The Steppes, Bothwell, Gretna, New Norfolk

Early start for our longest stage at 153km. Only 5 riders attempted the major obstacle of the day - Poatina Summit climb. I was surprised it took me less than 1 hour (despite stopping for pics) There was good team work with all 8 riders along the lumpy roads of the Highlands as we encountered more headwinds. The long rolling and fast descent into Gretna was superb. Andrew M and I did most of the pacing and Peter took a turn to pull our trio as well. We even arrived at New Norfolk 30 minutes before our billets.

Bike for Bibles - Day 4 - Acacia Hills, Railton, Deloraine, Poatina

Assisted by some tailwinds, this was an easier day on the saddle. Lunch was provided by the ladies at Deloraine Gospel Chapel. We were blessed with fine weather. Tomorrow's ride will be our longest ride of this year's event.

Bike for Bibles - Rest Day 1 - Acadia Hills, Devonport, Ulverston & return

Easier wandering ride for rest day.

Bike for Bibles Tassie - Day 3 - Somerset, Yolla, Hellyer Gorge & Cradle Mountain

Rain during the first hour of the ride. Peter missed our first stop and needed to be chase down and retrieved by the support vehicle.  Hellyer Gorge and the forests afterwards were scenic. The ride up to Cradle Mountain was very rewarding. Andrew M, Peter and I tried to ride down to Dove Lake  but unfortunately we were turned back by a ranger - no riding when the buses still operating along the single track.  This day proved to be the one with the most climbing @ 2306m elevation.

Bike for Bibles Tassie - Day 2 - Riverbend, Lost & Found, Somerset

More head winds buffering our efforts to the East. Being a Sunday, we enjoyed fellowship at 2 small local churches who supported our efforts in raising funds to support literacy in Bangladesh. I had an eventful day with 2 cases of Lost and Found which reminded me of Jesus' 3 parables on Lost and Found. Staying with our lovely hosts Darren & Rachel and their 3 adult sons in Bernie tonight.

Bike for Bibles Tassie - Day 1 - Riverbend, Stanley, The Nut & Back

Scenic visit to The Nut @ Stanley. Had a full 2 hour at the local church and time for quick explore on the top of the Nut, before lunch. The remaining 80km were typical of region's riding, namely WIND!

I'm raising funds for the Bible Society and I'd love your support.

I'm fundraising for the Bible Society by challenging myself to ride 1,200 kms over 10 riding days (and 2 rest days) across Tasmania from Janurary 6. The funds I raise will support Bible Society's tax-deductible project in Bangladesh to provide reading and writing materials for literacy classes this year.

The Bangladesh Bible Society is seeking to reach children with the word of God through a literacy course designed especially for preschool-aged children in the rural and remote areas of Bangladesh. These children are prevented in beginning their education by poverty and distance. When they are older and able to travel, their lack of familiarity with the national Bengali language means attaining literacy is challenging.

In Bangladesh, tribal children (including those in the Garo, Santali, Chakma, Marma, and Tripura tribes) all start school in the Bengali language even though they speak in their mother tongue. Some of these tribes do not even have their language in written form, so learning literacy in Bengali is the only option.

Will you help us provide more literacy classes to children in Bangladesh today?


My Achievements

50% to goal

Thanked a Sponsor

Goal Reached

Thank you to my Sponsors


Paul Klempfner

great effort congratulations


Mary Yee


Guy & Kate


Alfred Kroese

Well done


Paul Aprahamian

Hi John Happy New Year and wish you luck with your charity. Paul


Ka Lau


David And Cindy Lau

Those who hope in the Lord will not grow weary


Francis Nocom

Go well, ride safe and have fun with Peter!


David Ng

Great effort old man! Keep at it for such an excellent and worthwhile cause. Such a special time to share with your son. A time to remember.


Bruce And Marion Johnston

Good luck with your challenge. Travel safe.


Lisa Cho

Great job guys!


Dean Stewart

Stay safe John and enjoy the ride! Thanks for riding for a great cause. God bless!


Sidney Chong

Good luck and have lots of fun on the trip with Peter!


Paul And Maya Blunschi


Steve Sherriff

Thinking of you. Ride well.



Thank you for being a blessing. Ride well!




Mervyn Garvey



John, good luck. Watch out for your son, as he will soon beat you, ❤️❤️ David



Hope you go well and enjoy the riding!


Dietrich Blasberg


Rob Greenfield

Good Luck and fair weather for your ride.


Cheryle Strickland


Scott Randell



Go John and Peter!!




Steevie Chan

Add Oil! Great cause!


Gene Ling

All the best, John!


Jon Hunt


Robyn Filetti

Good Luck.


Prash Menon

Best of luck!


Cheng And Un


Bruce Pollard

Pedal hard!


Seeto Family


Steve Adams

May the Tassie winds be always at your back 🙂


Jan Edgerton


Adrian & Robyn Quek


Robyn Gallagher

Happy cycling from the Gallagher Family


Helen Patterson

good luck


Liz Choi

You can do it, John!


Karl Hochstetter

I look forward to seeing your progress! You are riding for a great cause.



All the best for safe travels




Michael Lin


Paul Edwards




Jacky Smithson

Good luck , enjoy and stay safe


T Kennedy


Linda Calabresi


Dan & Marina Ratnarajah

Our best wishes to John and Peter!


Ken & Ray Fitzgerald

Don't you just wish it was all down hill?! All the best.


Euan Carlisle


Jan Taylor

Good luck, I hope the weather is kind to you x


Robyn Cousins


Wayne Camage

Enjoy the scenery.


Geoff Murrey

Praying for your success and safety


Kian Capila

Let's go John! God bless!


Ben & Angela Depalo

Good Luck John! Enjoy and stay safe.🙋‍♀️❤️🚲


David Barnett


Bobby Tan

Go John, have a fun and safe ride!


Denise Yu


Paolo & Jasmin Vicario

Good luck with our Best Wishes to you and your son !


Trevor Hunter


John Lee


Susan Miller

I already receive Bible sosiety information

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