Xavier Aikman

Brisbane Bike for Bibles 2024

I'm raising funds for the Bible Society and I'd love your support.

I'm fundraising for the Bible Society by challenging myself to ride 600km over five days. The funds I raise will support the Bible Society's Bible-based Literacy project in Sri Lanka.

Each year, the Ceylon Bible Society aims to run literacy classes for children through the network of churches and Christian organisations in Sri Lanka, especially in rural, slum and undeveloped areas. These classes increase access to the Scriptures for underprivileged children growing up in areas where they do not have their basic needs met or access to proper education. The classes will be run in the Sinhala and Tamil languages and include reading Scripture through simple Bible stories (both printed and digital), explaining stories from the Bible and Christian books, and covering simple teachings of Jesus, Gospel parables, songs and other audio material.

Will you help us turn on the light of literacy for disadvantaged families today?

My Achievements

50% to goal

Thanked a donor

Goal Reached

Thank you to my Sponsors


Steve Bellchambers

Well done



great work!




Keith Gaymer

Amazing! Good work Xavier


Marg K


Russell Ashley

Keep going



I’m proud of you Xavier, keep up the good work.


Seth Bellchambers


Jade B


Margaret Hale

Very proud of you. Keep up your good work Love Aunty Margaret


Steve And Vicky Bellchambers

Go hard X Push hard in your service of God Proud of you !



Go Xavier!! Love your work


Aunty Rachel

Go Xavier 🏆 so proud of you 💕


Jamie Parker


Ian Hodges



Good luck Xavier


Shane Bywater

All the best mate. There can be no better cause in all the world! God’s Word does not return empty!


Wendy Bell

Hi Xavier, this bike challenge is a wonderful way to tell others about Jesus & His Salvation. So when things get tough keep your eyes on Jesus. Phil 4:13 I can do ALL THINGS through CHRIST who strengthens me. I'm praying for you & the team🙏 Blessings Wendy


Margaret Wells


Gordon Coleman

Have a great ride, Xavier!


Glenrae Barker

Go Xavier! This takes great courage even to contemplate. May the Lord care for you and may He bring many of the children you are cycling for to know Him as their Heavenly Father. Praying for you, your family and these children in Sri Lanka.


Jonathan Keys


Kylie Aikman


Greg Aikman

Hope they raise lots, to help with the spread of Gods word to those that don’t have a bible.

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